Sunday, June 24, 2007


This was written by a grade 9 learner and read at our morning assembly on the Friday of AIDS Awareness week.

My name is HIV

My name is HIV
My real name is AIDS
I don't care whether you are black or white
Rich or poor, young and old. I infect all

So be careful I don't care
what u are
who u are
I kill

I'm waiting 4 u 2 open
I'm knocking on your door

You can choose to be my friend but
surely it
wont last because I'll kill you
you slowly bu t surely will die and
your death will be history in your community

so stay away from sex if you don't
want to be my friend.
so ABC which means Abstain, Be
Faithful and Condomise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's with the ET Keith?
Hope everything's allright.
Best of the luck...