Friday, January 19, 2007

First Post

Hello everyone, this is my new site for future posts. Bookmark it and stay tuned for more lengthy updates. Hope all is well with everyone!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sending the pics and it's just so good to hear from you even if it's just email. I bookmarked the blog. Love and miss you!

EVA said...

I'm so glad you have on-line access! The pix of the two children was wonderful. I'll let the fam know about the blog. Love you Dolly.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you good buddy. It sounds like one hell of an adventure. You are really making it happen. An awesome job! Just curious how to get things to you. Don't know where to get an M bag and for it to take 3 months seems like a lifetime to me. What's the quickest way that I can get stuff to ya? I saw Chris and his girlfriend and Mary at one of our Christmas gigs. We drank a beer to you. Keep the faith big daddy, you're making the world a better place.