Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Teaching Success, Food, Rain!

School on Tuesday was the best day I have had being a teacher here. I even had an Ah-ha moment for all my educators out there. I really wish this moment would have come earlier but oh well; it’s the small victories of which I appreciate these days. Like another highlight of my day, making my first real meal at my place. Up till Tuesday night, I had been living on cereal, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, tuna, and pasta. I found frozen chicken, potatoes, and even scored the last batch of bananas not yet ripe at my local stores. I am pumped. I made a half decent chicken, potatoes, and canned green bean stew, complete with a packet of spices titled “stew” so it all fit. I definitely forgot how good chicken was…’s good, try it. Had some good rain last night and with the lighting all around tonight, looks like we could get more. Things are very dry here, even for the local standard, so we will all be very happy if more rain falls over the coming nights. Morale is great and hope to make it an even better rest of the week. Hope all is well in the states. Enjoy the cold.

Typed that last night. Right now there is a cold light rain falling. It is great, the learners and teachers are quite bundeled up. They are loving it as am I. I also had my first full night of sleep last night, so I am feelin pretty good. Looking forward to a relaxing afternoon.


1 comment:

EVA said...

You sound great, Keifer. I'm anxious to hear why Tuesday was so great, and what the Ah-Ha moment was all about. It's just good to hear you pleased about it. Exactly what temperature is a "cold" rain in Namibia? I can just imagine the relief from the heat. Don't like to hear of that diet, but explains why you are thin on the blog shot. Cold here right now and there is ice on the retention pond--perhaps some skating??? The gang is at Grammie and Grandpa's on Friday. I'll be sure to update them on the blog site and email. Love you